I admit I have been slacking on the belly pics. I am really going to do my best to do them during this pregnancy.
Since this is my 4th pregnancy (1 stillborn at 25 weeks, 1 healthy baby boy and a miscarriage at 11 weeks) I am taking this pregnancy pretty slow. I just finally unpacked and hung up my maternity clothes. I honestly would love to not even put a nursery together until after the baby arrives but rumor has it Rob is deploying right after the baby is born for 9 months so it makes more sense to prepare and get things together before April.
This pregnancy has been pretty good, besides being nauseas all the time. I am taking blood thinners (baby aspirin and lovenox shots) to help with the autoimmune diease (antiphospholipid syndrome) I have. I also use my fetal heart doppler religiously. The baby's heartbeat is usually high 150s unless he/she is sleeping and it is in the 130-140s. He/she sure likes to move a lot. It gets harder each night to get a good reading since he/she swims away.
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