Sunday, January 26, 2014

9 months old!

This has been a very busy month for you! You started crawling on Daddy's Birthday (December 28) and have been all over the place since! You have also started pulling yourself up! You love holding Mommy and Daddy's hands while standing and jumping around. You have also been getting your two top front teeth and have finally started to grow some hair! You are still nursing like a champ and are starting to eat more solid food. You love avocado, grapes, spinach and pears. After a month of jet lag you are finally getting back to sleeping through the night again! Mommy really appreciates you sleeping 12 
hours a night so she can get a break :)

Rand had a wonderful Christmas! 
He loved ripping open his presents from his family back in the States. 

Rand's first Christmas

Here are some of my favorite shots of Rand this month.

 hop on pop                                  Rand loves his bicycle

 morning dino rides are great!                  at his 9 month dr apt

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

diy Felt Fringe Garland

Since I have had some down time till the next craft bazaar I have been putting together new products to sell, besides my dirndl and lederhosen onesies. I have tons of felt and so I have been busy cutting and sewing little garlands to my hearts content. The one I just finished last night was a patriotic felt fringe garland. It was very easy to make but does take a lot of time (helps it you are watching a good movie).

First, I cut up little strips about 1/2 inch thick and then cut those to be 2 inches long. 

 And repeated like a bajillion times in different colors.
 Next, I used by embroidery thread, made a loop on one end and used my needle to go through the center of the strip twice, like so.
 My needle made a U-turn and went back through BUT NOT the same holes. Pull your thread through the felt strip to make it looked pinched.
 Now repeat...
 ...and repeat...
 ...till you get to the desired length you want your garland to be. Mine is about 64 inches long. Make sure to tie another loop on the other end of your garland so it is easy to hang up.