Thursday, April 28, 2016

Last trip to Garmisch

In the middle of getting ready to pack up and move we decided to run away to the alps for a quick getaway. It ended up being a disaster of a trip... we took a route that ended up having an avalanche so we had to turn back around to go another way. While we backed up to turn around Rand threw up everywhere. As soon as we pulled over to clean it all up, Rob got a phone call that the movers were coming in 4 days to pack! We were originally told it would be another week at least! If we weren't 40 minutes away from our destination we would had probably just gone back home. Thank goodness the views were worth the crazy drive. 
While driving to Garmisch, Germany, part of our route was through Austria. We decided to take a bit of a detour and go through a different route to pass by Plansee. Shortly after is where we had to turn around because of an avalanche. 

We finally arrived at our apartment I found on AirBnB after dinner time. It was a long day and we were all ready to hit the sack. Unfortunately Rand still had some motion sickness and got sick again that night. It was a long night of washing sheets and towels in the bathroom.

 The next morning Rand was acting good as new. We hung around the apartment for a good part of the day to make sure he was feeling much better before heading out to hike and explore. 

We headed out to Leutascher Geisterklamm (Spirit of the Gorge). Finding the place was a bit challenging but it is right across from a bus stop and near some outdoor hanging obstacle course.  We followed the Mountain Spirit Gorge Trail (Schanz) in a loop since the Waterfall trail (in Mittenwald) was closed. 
 I was standing right on the border of Germany and Austria!

Since Rand was feeling great we decided to check out another hiking stop and drove into Mittenwald. 
The next morning we headed out to Mittenwald to do a bit more hiking before we headed back home. We decided to end our trip early and head back home to get ready for the packers. 

We parked near the tennis courts and hiked towards the gorge. Unfortunately it was closed due to maintenance but the fresh fallen snow was a stunning sight on our hike.

So we have traveled to this area... um maybe 3 times (here and here) since we have lived in Germany. We love this area for many reasons. For Rob it is the views. I love them too but I LOVE the food! This area has some of the BEST German food! 

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