Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hello World!

on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at 8:14pm CET our little schnitzel, Randolph Charles was born weighing in at 7lbs, 5 oz and 22in long. It was quite the endevor but was well worth it! I I ended up having an emergency c-section after being in labor for over 26 hours.

Rand's Birth Story
All day Tuesday, April 23 I was at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center getting a NST and meeting my midwife and my birthing group. I finally got home with Rob around 4pm and went outside to take a 37 week pregnancy pic. As I walked up the stairs to come inside I felt like I peed myself. I felt it again on and off that next 15-20 minutes. I told Rob but didm't want to go back to the hospital incase I really did pee myself, lol. My sister finally convinced me to call L&D and they told me to come in and get checked. I started to panic a bit because we were not ready nor packed but I honestly thought we would be back home in a couple hours anyway because I just hit 37 weeks. We arrived around 5:30pm and after getting checked into L&D and getting in a room, I was tested to see if it was my water that broke. After what felt like hours of waiting, we found out that my water did in fact rupture and we were there to stay. 

I was put on pitocin to kick start my labor since I was not dialated at all BUT was taken off it a few hours later at the next shift change because not enough nurses were on staff to check in on my progress. At 12:30am I was at 8cm. Rand was facing up so I was feeling a lot of back pain even though I got an epi. At 6pm the shift changed and I got a new doctor who seemed to actually pay attention to me. She gave us an hour to see if I would progress anymore with the potocin they just put me on an hour prior. I was having contractions every 2 minutes. A little after 7pm they decided I would go in for a c-section. Rob got in his scrubs and we were getting ready to go in... this is what felt like an eternity. At this point I had it and was screaming and crying because I could no longer take the pain. At 7:45pm they rolled me away to have my c-section. All I remember was not being able to breath shortly after I got my spinal tap and then waking up in ICU to hear one of the nurses say "congrats on your baby boy." Rob was downstairs with Rand in NICU. Because of the complicated birth Rand had a small infection and low blood sugar. I had to wait a few more hours in ICU before I got moved to Mommy/Baby. I was still pretty drugged up but I remember the nurse handing me my little baby boy and being able to nurse him as soon as he was in my arms. I was so tired but I just wanted to stare at my beautiful son. 

Here are some pictures from that day. 
 getting ready to go in for a c-section
Rob got all ready to go in with me but I ended up having a reaction from the spinal tap and had to be put under. Poor guy had to wait outside in the hall.
 Luckily Rob was keeping an eye out for our baby, else he would of missed 
seeing Rand getting wheeled to the nicu.

 After 6 hours after I had Rand, I finally get to meet my baby boy

tired daddy and mommy

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